How To Prevent Colds

Here are some helpful tips to reduce your risk of catching a cold. 

The winter months find many of us, particularly kids, fighting with colds, flu and respiratory infections, especially thanks to the often brutal temperatures here in Addison, IL. While colds are minor infections and incredibly common, we also know that the last thing you want to deal with is a sick child or teen. From the office of our Addison, IL, doctor Dr. Walter Perez, here are some ways to reduce your child’s chances of catching a cold.

Practice Frequent Handwashing

We’ve been hearing a lot about proper handwashing these days, especially with Covid-19; however, handwashing is truly one of the best ways to get rid of germs and to prevent them from spreading. Your child should wash their hands,

  • After using the bathroom
  • After playing with pets
  • After playing outdoors
  • After blowing their nose, or coughing or sneezing
  • Before eating

Clean Surfaces 

The cold virus can linger on surfaces such as toys, countertops and door handles for up to seven days, and can infect individuals for up to 24 hours. This is one reason to also disinfect surfaces every day to prevent these cold germs from spreading. Make sure to wipe down countertops, tables and other surfaces with disinfecting wipes or cleaners. Bleach-based wipes may help kill the cold virus.

Avoid Sick Individuals 

Since the cold virus spreads through droplets expelled by sneezing or coughing, it’s important that everyone including children keep their distance. These days many people are practicing social distancing, which is beneficial for not only preventing the spread of Covid-19 but also cold and flu viruses. If you know anyone who is sick, it’s best to avoid them until they have fully recovered.

Cover Mouths When Sneezing 

Most parents know that kids are germ magnets, so it’s important to teach kids when they are young that they should cover their mouths when they sneeze. Show them how to sneeze into a tissue or the crook of their arm rather than their hands.

Don’t let a cold impact your child’s health this year. With proper hygiene and handwashing you and your family can prevent the common cold from traveling throughout your household. If you have concerns about respiratory symptoms that your child or teen is experiencing, call A to Z Pediatric and Youth Healthcare in Brookfield and Addison, IL, at (708) 905-5993 or (630) 757-4010.

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